Annual Financial Statement
I hope everyone had happy and safe holidays. I wanted to provide an update on the finances of the Houston Gulf Coast Chapter for the year.
Below is a summary of the current Houston Gulf Coast Chapter’s assets.
• Checking Account:
• Savings Account:
• Total:
If you compare to the beginning of the year, our cash on hand is down by approximately $1,380. Most of this is due to the $1,250 SEAoT scholarship. The Houston chapter was able to recoup most of the other operating expenses with meeting receipts, meeting sponsorships, and the Houston chapter’s portion of SEAoT’s dues.
The Houston Gulf Coast Chapter is in a great position financially. The board will continue to look for opportunities to invest this money back into the chapter.
As my two-year commitment as treasurer is coming to a close, the board is currently talking with potential new treasurers to step into the role. Look for an announcement as soon as we have confirmation.
As always, please contact the board if you are interested in stepping into a committee, director, or officer role.
I hope to see everyone in person sometime during 2021!
Daniel Pearson, P.E.
[email protected]