Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – June 2019 – Joshua White

Secretary’s Corner – June 2019 – Joshua White


As we’ve summarized in past newsletter articles, our survey from earlier this year indicated one of the primary reasons survey respondents missed our monthly meetings was the desire for a more convenient time of day. To address the meeting time, we began our commitment to lunch meetings for the foreseeable future. Our May 16th meeting was the first of these lunch meetings, and was held at the Hess Club. Future meeting times/locations will be provided via the newsletter.

Our May meeting was well represented, in part due to a very interesting topic brought to us by David Eastwood with Geotech Engineering and Testing (GET). David presented on a geo-forensic investigation of a storage dome collapse in Louisiana. The structure was one of three iron ore storage domes, 248 feet in diameter and 124 feet tall. After construction completed in 2013, an iron ore surcharge load resulted in failure of the dome. David presented on his team’s investigation of causation of the dome collapse, as well as solutions recommended for remedial construction efforts.

We look forward to seeing you June 20th at Maggiano’s Little Italy, as Guillermo Ramirez with ABS Consulting presents “Root Cause Analysis of Pressure Vessel Failure”.