Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – January 2019 – Emily McCarthy

Secretary’s Corner – January 2019 – Emily McCarthy


Welcome back Houston SEAoT and may 2019 be a year of creative projects, business without being overworked and camaraderie among your colleagues. I hope you all will have the opportunity to join us throughout the year for our monthly seminars and networking. This year I am transitioning into the Vice President role and am handing the reigns of Secretary to Joshua White with Wiss, Janney, Elstner (WJE). Please congratulate him when you see him at our next meeting.

Our board this year is working to bring you great speakers, excellent networking opportunities, outreach to the community and, as ever, spread the SEAoT mission to support the structural engineering community and enhance public awareness of our great services.

Looking back, our final 2018 meeting had Mr. Morales from AISC sharing about architecturally exposed structural steel. For those of us frequently working with architects and contractors, his information on different grades of steel aesthetics, awareness of the eye’s distance from a member, cost of enhancing steel’s appearance and the quality control necessary to achieve a desired effect highlighted how consideration of steel can go far beyond defining a steel grade for strength and serviceability. 

Looking forward, this month WJE will present on the Repair and Rehabilitation of the Barbours Cut Container Terminal here in Houston. In the upcoming months we will have speakers present on blast design of glazing, building enclosure design and investigation, and oil and gas related design and investigation to name a few. Come out and join us at the HESS Club each month to network with peers, earn PDHs and learn about all the great things Houston structural engineers are working on.