Home President's Corner President’s Corner – January 2019 – Dan Barbuto

President’s Corner – January 2019 – Dan Barbuto


Hello everyone, Happy New Year, I hope you had a relaxing holiday and a great start to 2019.  Welcome to the first newsletter of 2019.  It seems like only yesterday we were closing out our November meeting. 

I’m excited to announce that we have new board members and SEAoT volunteers for the Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter.  I wanted to take a moment and introduce our new team:  Emily McCarthy with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) is transitioning to the Vice President role, Joshua White with Weiss, Janny, Elster (WJE) has taken on the Secretary role and Daniel Pearson, with WJE, has taken on the Treasurer role.   I, Dan Barbuto, with Walter P Moore, will continue to serve as President.  Jennifer Martin-Logan has volunteered to take on the responsibility of the website and newsletter, while Jacob Borgerson, with WJE, has volunteered to lead community and membership outreach.  Special thanks to Rick Miles, with Terracon, who continues to serve as Past President and helps guide our team and Johnathan Warshaw, with Walker Restoration, who will serve as past treasurer. 

I want to thank the board and volunteers for their efforts.  I appreciate each of them taking their time and helping to serve SEAoT.

I hope that we can continue to build upon our 2018 momentum.  I am excited to continue to serve. find new ways to engage membership, and grow our chapter involvement.  Individuals that are looking to get involved are always encouraged to reach out to the Board.  Together we can accomplish great things in 2019.

Looking forward to seeing you at the monthly meeting!

Dan Barbuto, P.E.