Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – September 2016 – Chris Hill

Secretary’s Corner – September 2016 – Chris Hill


Hello All,

I hope everyone had a great summer! I feels like is has been forever since I wrote to you. I hope to see you all at our next meeting as we dive into the fall season and wrap up 2016.

Our last meeting was on June 16th at the HESS club from 6 to 8 pm. Chapter President Tan Tran made an general announcements including introducing the website again, noting the need for another young member happy hour and bringing up the bring a collage program. Mr. Tran also mapped out the remaining calendar for 2016 which includes only three more meeting: September 15, October 20th and November 17th.

Chapter member Sherry Mundell with Wood Works introduced several new seminars on heavy timber construction and timber high-rise.

Vice President Rick Miles then introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. Adam Smith. Mr. Smith with USG presented on structural noncombustible fiber-reinforced cementitious sheathing panels. The benefits, structural systems, properties and project types were highlighted.

Until next time,
