Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – November 2016 – Chris Hill

Secretary’s Corner – November 2016 – Chris Hill


Hello All,

Sorry I missed you last month; I trust all of your holiday plans are coming together. I hope to see all of you at our final meeting of the year in November.

Our last meeting was held on October 20th at HESS club from 6 to 8 pm. Chapter President Tan Tran was attending the state conference in Austin, and therefore was unable to attend. Chapter Secretary Chris Hill ran the meeting. Chris first announced several of the chapter programs and then introduced the two presenters for the evening.

First, Emily McCarthy of Simpson Gumpertz and Heger informed us about The Engineers Alliance for the Arts – Houston Expansion. The Engineers Alliance for the Arts (EAA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving students the experience of working with a professional engineer in the classroom. EAA’s Student Impact Project consists of volunteer engineers, the student participants, and the annual final event competition amongst all participating schools. Emily is looking for volunteers and financial support for the organization, as they are working on opening the Houston chapter. If you have any questions, please let me know and I can get you in contact with Emily.

Secondly, Mr. Mark Hordes of Mark Hordes Management Consultants, LLC presented “Boost your leadership IQ: How to Successfully Transition from a Technical Engineering Contributor to a High Performing Leader,” which was well received. High points included a quick self-assessment of leadership skills and qualities along will a personality profile assessment.

Until next time,

