Home Secretary's Corner (Unofficial) Secretary’s Corner – March 2017 – Chris Hill

(Unofficial) Secretary’s Corner – March 2017 – Chris Hill


Hello All!

I wasn’t expecting to be able to write another Secretary’s corner after moving on to the role of Vice President but I am happy to be able to. This year as gotten off to a great start thanks to the leadership of our President Rick Miles. He has done a wonderful job of promoting our chapter, leading the executive committee, and updating meeting processes. His efforts have shown in the great attendance we have seen so far. We all owe him a great deal of gratitude. As far as the remainder of the year, things are looking good as well. We have an awesome list of presenters booked until October and the SEAoT Houston chapter is financially secure.

Last month we had our second meeting of the year which was held at HESS from 6 to 8pm. Our President Rick Miles made the general announcements and then introduced our speaker for the night, Nate Poen with Structural Technologies. Nate presented his company and on strengthening of concrete structures. Nate discussed planned and unplanned strengthening efforts and some of the reasons for both. Planned strengthening efforts fell into the category of building type reuse, new loads, new penetrations, etc. Some of the unplanned strengthening efforts resulted from poor construction, bad design, or low concrete strengths. Nate discussed the limit states at which FRP may be used for strengthening and discussed what options are available when that limit state is surpassed. We appreciate Nate presenting and being a friend to SEAoT. If you would like to get in touch with Nate, please let me know and I will connect you with him.

Hope you guys have a good month and I hope to see you at our next meeting!
