Home Treasurer's Corner Treasurer’s Note – Jonathan Warshaw

Treasurer’s Note – Jonathan Warshaw


To All Members:

SEAoT’s Bank balance as of September 8, 2014 is $45,025.57.

Thank you for taking time to make your reservations. It certainly does help to get an accurate head count. If you are not doing your reservations online, I would like to recommend all to register and pay on line at http://www.seaot.org/houston/reservations.cfm. Paying on line will help keep the meal orders under control, and it also speeds up the check-in process.

If you are not sure if you are coming, you can still register on line or email me at the address below up to the Wednesday morning before the Thursday meeting. If you are not eating, and just want to register for the presentation, it is good to do that online also. Members cost for dinner and the presentation is $25, Non Members $35. Students are $10 (dinner included) and just presentation (no dinner) is $10.

While paying online will remain the preferred method, as an added convenience we will continue to accept credit card payments at the door. This seems to be convenient for many folks, and still allows us to provide you with a receipt of your attendance. However, please still try and register online or email me so that we can get an accurate head count for meals.

Jonathan Warshaw, PE
Structural Engineers Association of Texas (SEAOT)