Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – November 2021 – Daniel Pearson

Secretary’s Corner – November 2021 – Daniel Pearson


We had a great turnout at our last virtual monthly meeting. SEAoT had the honor of hosting Dr. Mahmoud Reda Taha, Distinguished Professor, Regents’ Lecturer, and Chairman of the Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico, who presented on “Emerging Opportunities Using 3D-Printed Concrete”.

Dr. Taha’s presentation discussed some of his research being carried out by his research team at the University of New Mexico. He discussed findings related to the rheological and mechanical properties of the concrete and discussed textile reinforced concrete. Videos and photos of the 3D-printer in action was included in the presentation. He concluded the presentation by discussing the future of 3D-printed concrete and some future uses and industries for this technology to be utilized.

Looking forward, our next monthly meeting will be on November 18th, 2021. We are excited to host Stephen Pfund of LERA Consulting Structural Engineers who will be presenting on “Strategies Forensic Engineers Use to Unravel Construction Disputes”. Please join us and stay connected with the Houston structural engineering community.

See you then!