Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – December 2020 – Sara Buerstinghaus

Secretary’s Corner – December 2020 – Sara Buerstinghaus


At our last virtual monthly meeting, Daniel Smith with Wood Group in Houston presented on “Transportation and Installation of Offshore Structures.”

Dan started the presentation by explaining the different design conditions to consider for offshore structures. It is very important to select the appropriate type of structure for field development. He then reviewed different load conditions used by structural engineers. Different types of offshore platforms were discussed throughout the presentation as well.

Figure 1. Picture taken from Dan Smith’s presentation

Dan presented the equipment and methods used to transport and install large offshore platforms. He then walked us through several of the installation challenges that he and his team took on in different projects.

Dan called out Allseas’ single-lift installation/decommissioning and pipelay vessel as a milestone because of the safe and successful installation of the 22,000-ton Drilling Platform topsides on the Norwegian continental shelf. This was the first platform installation performed by Pioneering Spirit, and the heaviest installation ever executed in a single lift offshore at that time (2018). Pioneering Spirit’s motion-compensated topsides lift system beams accurately positioned the topsides on an eight-legged steel jacket standing at 110 m water depth, after which the installation proceeded exactly as planned.

You can watch a video of this installation at the link below:
Pioneering Spirit installs 22,000 tons Johan Sverdrup Topside – YouTube

During our last meeting, we also announced our 2021 board member nominees. We are still seeking a new Treasurer as well as new members for our Member Communications and Young Engineers committees. If you would like to nominate someone, or if you have an interest in getting involved yourself, please contact one of the board members directly or email [email protected].

Thank you!