Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – May 2017 – Chris Hill

Secretary’s Corner – May 2017 – Chris Hill


Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed our last meeting. The momentum of this year is continuing to grow and I appreciate all of your help with that. Even with our growing attendance, we on the board are always looking to make improvements and your thoughts and suggestions on anything we can do better are appreciated. Please feel free to contact me or any other board member with your thoughts.

Last month we had our 5th meeting of the year which was held at HESS from 6 to 8pm. Our President, Rick Miles, was not able to attend. In his absence Vice President, Chris Hill, ran the meeting. Chris started the meeting by providing the general chapter updates at the local and state level. He then recapped the efforts of the young members chair, Emily McCarty, and her work with the Engineers Alliance for the Arts (EAA). EAA has successfully completed its first year in Houston under the direction of Emily. The Houston Chapter of SEAoT was honored to be a sponsor and have our Past President Tan Tran and Newsletter Editor Jennifer Ju serve as volunteers over the 10-week program. I was honored to represent the chapter as a guest judge during final presentations. After the EAA update, Chris then introduced our speaker and bar sponsor for the night, Lance Osborne of Structural Technologies. As bar sponsor Lance introduced his company, Structural Technology. Structural Technology has a great standing relationship with SEAoT, and Lance is a great resource to our membership. Lance then gave his presentation on the Design of Transfer Elements with Post-Tensioning Technology. Lance provided examples of some very impressive projects where huge loads where transferred using PT slabs, trusses, beams and tension columns. Let us all hope he will not show this to too many architects.

Until next time,

Chris Hill, Vice President