Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – May 2016 – Chris Hill

Secretary’s Corner – May 2016 – Chris Hill


Hello All,

We are getting close to the half way point in the SEAoTx calendar, which is making me nervous for next year when I have to find all of the speakers. So if you would be interested or know anyone that would be please send them my way!

Last month we had our 4th meeting of the year. The meeting was held at HESS from 6 to 8 pm. Chapter President Tan Tran was not able to attend the meeting so Vice President Rick Miles ran the meeting. Rick announced that the next two meetings before the summer break will be May 19th and June 16th, both at HESS from 6 to 8pm. Following these announcements the update from the state chapter and events going on in Austin was provided. David Hillery also announced an article featured in Structural Magazine about the Hobby Airport expansion, this article can now be found on our chapter’s website, seaothouston.org.

Rick then introduced our speaker for the evening, Mr. W. Clark, Director of Compliance & Enforcement Division at the Texas Board of Professional Engineers (TBPE). Mr. Clark provided some general information about the TBPE. The TBPE staff is made up of 9 members, 6 of which are PEs. The role of the TPBE is to license PEs, administer enforcement, provide and monitor continued education, and inform the public and government officials. Mr. Clark presented several scenarios to illustrate requirements that TBPE regulates.

Until next time,
