Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – February 2016 – Chris Hill

Secretary’s Corner – February 2016 – Chris Hill


Hello All!

I hope everybody has had a good last month and this newsletter finds you well. And how about those Broncos/Panthers (sorry had to turn this in before the game….)

Last month we had our first meeting of the year which was held at HESS from 6 to 8pm. Our new President, Tan Tran, made some general agenda updates. After the agenda updated new board members were introduced, Tan Tran – President, Rick Miles – Vice President, Chris Hill – Secretary, Jonathan Warshaw – Treasure. A call for nominations to the State Board of Directors was made along will discussions about the position and requirements. The “Bring a Colleague” program, in which the meeting fee for you and a colleague is waved if you bring a colleague that has not attended a SEAoT Houston chapter meeting, was again encouraged. Stacy Chu provided the group with a status update on the new chapter website and Chris Hill provided an update on the young members group.

Following the announcements, Rick Miles, Vice President, introduced future programing updates and developments. Rick then introduced our speaker for the night, Mr. Jay Sunderwala, PE, Managing Principle at Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants. Mr. Sunderwala provided us with a general overview of his company along with an overview of geotechnical engineering. Mr. Sunderwala provided input on what items to look for when selecting a geotechnical consultant and finished with several case studies.

Hope you guys have a good month and I hope to see you our next meeting!
