Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – April 2017 – Dan Barbuto

Secretary’s Corner – April 2017 – Dan Barbuto



Hello everyone, we are already into April and well into a successful year.  Come to a SEAoT meeting to communicate and network with your fellow engineers.

Expect the push for SEAoT State Conference volunteers to pick up in the immediate future.  Contact a board member if you are interested in participating.  Speakers have been mostly lined up and should be released soon.

Our March 16 meeting had a strong turnout.  If you were unable to attend, we missed you and encourage you to come to next meeting in April.  Rick, our fearless leader,  introduced our speaker for the evening, Ms. Val Olfer, an Investigator IV with the Compliance & Enforcement Department at the Texas Board of Professional Engineers.  Val provided general information regarding the TBPE and discussed the role of the Compliance & Enforcement Department.  Ms. Olfer presented several scenarios to attendees to demonstrate the rules and regulation of the TBPE.