Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – June 2017 – Dan Barbuto

Secretary’s Corner – June 2017 – Dan Barbuto


We are halfway through the year and it’s been a good year so far.  Our June meeting will be the last meeting before our normal summer recess.  There are no meetings schedule in July and August.  We will resume our meetings in September.  This summer we are considering a summer lunch and learn with HILTI and a possible Woodworks day-trip event to tour a lumber mill facility.   Stay tuned for up-coming events.  President Rick promises “great things to come.”

In May, we had a great turnout.   Jacob L. Borgerson, Ph.D., P.E., a consultant with Paradigm Consultants, Inc, presented “Concrete Construction Problems: Challenges Faced by the Structural Engineer.”  Jacob discussed concrete construction issues such as mass concrete, concrete cracking, concrete strength testing, among other issues.