Home Secretary's Corner Secretary’s Corner – February 2020 – Sara Buerstinghaus

Secretary’s Corner – February 2020 – Sara Buerstinghaus


We started 2020 with great attendance at our monthly meeting held on January 16th at the Maggiano’s. Our new President, Emily McCarthy, made some general agenda updates and introduced the new board members: Emily McCarthy: President; Joshua White: Vice President; Sara Buerstinghaus: Secretary; and Daniel Pearson: Treasurer.

Our speakers for the meeting were Ashish Patel, PE, of LAN Engineering, and Mike Hasen, PE, of HVJ Associates Inc. They presented “Post Oak Blvd BRT: Bus Platform Design Saves Time and Money while Reducing Traffic Impacts”, which discussed rebuilding Post Oak Boulevard into an exquisitely designed grand boulevard while preserving existing automobile access, substantially improving transit service and creating a beautifully landscaped pedestrian environment. The presentation discussed the challenges in the design and changes made to construction documents with collaboration of HVJ & LAN engineers. As of now, the bus platform and dedicated bus lane construction is approaching completion with substantial cost and time savings.

We are also continuing the “Bring a Colleague” program where you bring a colleague that has not yet attended a SEAOT Houston Chapter meeting, and both you and your colleague’s meeting fees are waived or refunded.
We hope to continue our successful start into the new year and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.