Home Events September 2021 Webinar – Designing for Flood Loads Using ASCE 7 and...

September 2021 Webinar – Designing for Flood Loads Using ASCE 7 and ASCE 24


SEAoT Houston is back from summer hiatus! Join us for our webinar Thursday, September 16, when William L. Coulbourne, P.E., presents Designing for Flood Loads Using ASCE 7 and ASCE 24.

  • Thursday, September 16, 2021.
  • Noon-1:00 p.m. (Central).
  • Online webinar.
  • Free to SEAoT attendees.
  • 1.0 PDH with verified attendance (must be logged in for at least 50 minutes of the webinar).

How to register:

  1. Click here to register
  2. Zoom link for webinar will be provided by email


Spanning from berth quays, docks, piers and bulkheads to container yards, cargo areas and buildings, awareness among terminal operators on the need to construct new or The webinar will cover the basic requirements for flood design using ASCE 7-16 and ASCE 24-14. There will be discussion of how to determine the Design Flood Elevation (DFE) and how to use the flood depth determined by the DFE to calculate flood loads on a structure. The connection between these two documents and the building code will be discussed, as well as the most important elements of ASCE 24 as they relate to residential and commercial construction. A discussion of how to include future conditions into a flood design will also be covered briefly because of the importance of this topic.


William Coulbourne, PE
Structural Engineering Consultant

Mr. Coulbourne has a BS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech and a Masters in Structural Engineering from the University of Virginia. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in three states. He is a national expert in wind and flood mitigation and has been involved in FEMA Mitigation Assessment Teams and natural hazard damage assessments for nearly 25 years. He has investigated failures and mitigation design techniques for thousands of buildings including residential structures, schools used as shelters, hospitals, and other critical facilities. He holds a Certification in Structural Engineering.

He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and a Fellow in the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE. He actively participates on the ASCE engineering standards committees for ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures for wind loads and flood loads, and ASCE 24 Flood Resistant Design and Construction.

Mr. Coulbourne regularly delivers webinars and seminars for ASCE and for private clients on wind and flood design topics. He has taught as an Adjunct Faculty Member at the University of Delaware in the Civil Engineering Department. He has co-authored two previous versions of the ASCE Wind Guide, co-edited an ASCE publication on Engineering Investigations of Hurricane Damage, and co-authored several damage investigation reports sponsored by ASCE on the Moore, OK and Joplin, MO tornadoes.