Home President's Corner President’s Corner – January 2022 – Zahra Sara Buerstinghaus

President’s Corner – January 2022 – Zahra Sara Buerstinghaus


Happy 2022! And welcome to the first newsletter of 2022. This year, I am honored to serve as President for the Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter. The other members of the Board this year are:

Vice President: Daniel Pearson

Secretary: Jennifer Martin-Logan 

Treasurer: Rachele Pennington

Communication and social media chair: Ariel Suselo

Member Outreach Committee chair: Anna Quinn

Member Outreach Committee co-chair: Benjamin Curole

Thanks to Josh White, our 2021 president. Looking back on 2021, SEAoT Houston Gulf Coast provided monthly virtual meetings with quality presentations on various topics, newsletters and PDHs. We also awarded two SEAoT scholarship winners for 2021 to two exceptional students: Congratulations to Mohammad Aghajani-Delavar (PhD student at TAMU) and Bridget Lee Sang (Senior student at TAMU) on each being awarded a $1250 scholarship.

We are so proud of our 2021 accomplishments.

Looking forward, my goals for 2022 are to

  • grow participation through more social events and networking, in addition to the regular chapter meetings and also
  • creating more value for our members both professional engineers and students  

We are continuing with our virtual meetings for the first half of the year, but hopefully will be able to provide some virtual and in-person networking events later this year. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to further improve SEAoT in order to get more out of your membership, please let me know – I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Zahra Sara Buerstinghaus, PhD, PE

2022 SEAoT Houston/Gulf Coast President