SEAoT Houston
President’s Corner – October 2015 – Al Bustamante
Volition is the most powerful word in the English language.
October Meeting – 609 Main – Wally Ford
Houston Downtown’s 609 Main
By Wally Ford
609 Main’s height of 756 feet above street level makes it the tallest building to be built in Houston...
Secretary’s Corner – October 2015 – Rick Miles
Here we are in October and I owe apologies as I missed the September newsletter after the summer hiatus.
Young Engineers’ Astros Social – Chris Hill
Last month more than 20 young members and potential members of the SEAoT Chapter of Houston...
President’s Corner – September 2015 – Al Bustamante
Summer is over. Well, not quite yet for us in Houston. However, the academic summer break is over, school is back, and yes –...
TAMU September 2015 Meeting – Ashfaq Syed
The Texas A&M University SEAoT Student Chapter had a general meeting on Sep 24th.
September Meeting – Fiber Reinforced Concrete Values and Applications – Mike...
Fiber Reinforced Concrete Values and Applications
By Mike Smith
Mike Smith is Forta Corporation’s regional manager for Texas, Oklahoma, Rocky Mountains, Pacific Northwest and the Dakotas.
TAMU August 2015 Meeting – Ashfaq Syed
The Texas A&M University SEAoT Student Chapter had the first Fall meeting on Sept 10th.
Secretary’s Corner – June 2015 – Rick Miles
Hard to believe it’s already halfway through June. Record rains in May and as I write this our first potential brush...
President’s Corner – February 2015
There is a saying in sports “it’s not how you start what matters; it’s how you finish”. In other words, the outcome of the competitive event...