Home Events April 2021 Webinar – Design of Post-Tensioned Floors

April 2021 Webinar – Design of Post-Tensioned Floors


Update: Dr. Aalami has shared a PDF of his presentation, which can be accessed at this link (updated 5/16/2021 with a correction on page 9 of the PDF).

Join us for our webinar Thursday, April 15, when Dr. Bijan O. Aalami presents Design of Post-Tensioned Floors.

  • Thursday, April 15, 2021.
  • Noon-1:00 p.m. (Central).
  • Online webinar.
  • Free to SEAoT attendees.
  • 1.0 PDH with verified attendance (must be logged in for at least 50 minutes of the webinar).

How to register:

  1. Click here to register
  2. Zoom link for webinar will be provided by email


Post-tensioning is a prestressing method in which concrete is set and attains strength, then steel tendons are stressed and anchored, applying compression to the concrete. Starting with the architect’s floor plan, Dr. Aalami will walk through the design of post-tensioned floors, step by step, and then conclude with construction drawings.


Bijan O. Aalami, PE, SE, Ceng

Bijan O. Aalami, ASCE life member, is Emeritus Professor of San Francisco State University; Legend, Fellow and Life Member of the Post-Tensioning Institute; Founder and former Principal of ADAPT Corporation–now PT-Structures–a structural engineering and concrete software development company in California, serving clients in over 70 countries. He is ACI recipient of the Design Award for application of advanced engineering to a notable concrete structure. He has published extensively on analysis and design of post-tensioned structures. A renowned educationalist, he has held courses on design of structural concrete and post-tensioning in over 40 countries worldwide. He is honorary member of the Argentine Structural Engineering Association, former Vice Chancellor and Professor at Arya Mehr (now Sharif) University.

featured image: from https://ptstructures.com/uploads/pdf/D1-Column-supported_two-way_post-tensioned_floor-US_version_TN460-US.pdf, source: ptstructures.com