Home Student Chapter SEAoT-TAMU Updates – May 2021 – Mohammad Aghajani-Delavar

SEAoT-TAMU Updates – May 2021 – Mohammad Aghajani-Delavar


In April, the TAMU student chapter of SEAoT hosted two sessions with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) on April 15th and Walter P. Moore on April 29th. We had 16 participants in total in these two sessions. Eric Kreiger, our speaker from ERDC, gave some information about additive construction or 3D concrete printing, experimental data, and some projects. This presentation covered different aspects in 3D concrete printing construction from material and its quality control to large-scale tests on 3D printed concrete walls. Different construction types in this industry along with some connection details are presented. Due to the novelty of this construction application, there are many challenges to be solved. 

Rachel Calafell, our speaker from Walter P. Moore, presented the project for the Innovation & Qualification Center for ThyssenKrupp Elevator after giving some information about WPM and its projects. TKE is a 420 ft tall elevator test tower, the tallest of its kind in North America. In this presentation, Rachel provided some details and plan views of the project with introducing the Slipform construction method which was used in this project. The reason they used Slipform application in TKE was provided as well. In this session, Rachel asked some polls and the winners were awarded Uber Eats Vouchers. 

Both sessions had some active members who asked some challenging questions from our speakers. Finally, active members were awarded. Some photos of these two sessions are attached.