Home Student Chapter SEAoT at TAMU Student Chapter Updates – May 2019 – Tristian Ybarra

SEAoT at TAMU Student Chapter Updates – May 2019 – Tristian Ybarra

Tristian Ybarra

2019 TAMU SEAoT Student Officers

2018-2019 TAMU SEAoT Student Chapter Activities

Houston-Gulf Coast SEAoT Chapter Members,

Howdy! From all our members of the SEAoT Student Chapter at Texas A&M University, I would like to extend a warm greeting and provide you with an updated newsletter describing the past activities and changes within our organization. This year has been filled with many events which I am excited to share with you. Most recently, our chapter elected three new student officers to lead our organization in the upcoming year. A brief bio of the newly-elected officers is provided on the following page. Attached you will also find a description of the monthly activities within our organization which include general meetings, company presentations, end-of-semester luncheons, and construction site tours.

The primary highlights of our organization are the general meetings in which we invite various structural engineering companies to present to our members. These meetings are extremely rewarding as our students have the opportunity to learn directly from experienced engineers on the details and challenges associated with real-world structural engineering projects. This year, our chapter has enjoyed learning about many high-profile projects including the Legacy West Development, Frost Tower, the US 82 Mississippi River Bridge, Austin Central Library, Capitol Tower, and many more. If your company has a project that they would like to present to our student chapter, please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for knowledgeable professionals, like yourselves, who desire to share their exciting, engineering achievements with others. We are excited about the opportunity to become actively involved with your organization and look forward to making an appearance at one of your Houston-Gulf Coast SEAoT Chapter Meetings next semester. Until then, thank you for your support and Gig ‘Em!

Best Regards,

Tristian Ybarra
Networking Chair, SEAoT at TAMU