Home Treasurer's Corner Treasurer’s Corner – April 2019 – Daniel Pearson

Treasurer’s Corner – April 2019 – Daniel Pearson


I had a chance to review the finances of the Houston Gulf Coast Chapter. The Houston Gulf Coast Chapter currently has a total balance of $46,960.35. Below is a summary of the assets.

  • Checking: $8,973.64
  • Savings:  $14,046.21
  • CDs: $23,940.50
  • Total: $46,960.35

The chapter’s primary reoccurring expense is the HESS club hosting fees. Other smaller expenses include website hosting and office supplies associated with meetings. Projecting forward, it appears that the Houston Gulf Coast Chapter will essentially break even in terms of expenses and income.

The board is having a meeting early next week to discuss how to allocate some of the chapter’s savings. We are committed to investing back into the chapter to help grow the chapter and promote the structural engineering profession. If you have any input on this matter, please reach out to me.

I hope to see you at the next monthly meeting.


Daniel Pearson, P.E.
[email protected]