WoodWorks invites you to attend a technical workshop: Design Example of a Wood Cantilever Diaphragm, presented by Terry Malone, PE, SE, WoodWorks.
As buildings get taller and more complex, there is a greater need to understand the relative stiffness of diaphragms and shear walls, and multi-story shear wall effects. Architecturally demanding exterior wall lines in modern structures do not always provide opportunities to use traditional design approaches.
This workshop is for structural engineers who want an example of how to analyze an open-front or corridor-only shear wall diaphragm, along with answers to these questions:
- When does a loss in stiffness in the exterior walls cause an open-front diaphragm condition?
- What is the deflection equation for open-front/cantilever diaphragms?
- How is diaphragm flexibility defined for open-front/cantilever diaphragms vs. ASCE 7-16, Figure 12.3-1?
- What are the available methods of distributing torsional forces into the diaphragm?
- Do shear walls located along diaphragm chord lines affect the diaphragm chord forces?
- How are torsional irregularities determined and addressed for open-front/cantilever diaphragms?
October 10th
Maggiano’s Little Italy
2019 Post Oak Blvd
Houston, TX 77056
Attendees will qualify for 4 AIA/CES HSW LUs, 4 PDH credits or 0.4 ICC credits
Cost: $40 (includes lunch) For more information and to register, please visit the WoodWorks website.
Questions? Contact: LeeAnn Charpentier