Home Student Chapter TAMU January 2015 Meeting – Alejandro Zepeda

TAMU January 2015 Meeting – Alejandro Zepeda


On behalf of the entire Texas A&M student chapter, I would like to say Howdy! My name is Alejandro Zepeda and I am excited to announce that I will be serving at the president of the student chapter for this term. I am a local student from Bryan, TX and currently working on my bachelor’s degree here at Texas A&M. I transferred into A&M in 2010 but took a year and a half break from school to work for the Army where I developed Building

Information Models of repair facilities. I have been a member of the student chapter for two years and was motivated to run for president so that I can continue to develop the student organization and help our students connect with industry professionals. I am also pleased to introduce our new vice president and treasurer.

I am Ashfaq Syed, and I am serving as Vice President of SEAoT Chapter at Texas A&M University for this term. As the Vice President, I will do my best to assist my colleagues and members of SEAoT in making this term as one of the milestone that future generations will look up to. I bring with me 4 years of structural engineering experience, working on structures associated with downstream Oil & Gas Sector. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from College of Engineering, Guindy and I am currently pursuing my Master’s Degree at Texas A&M University. I look forward to interacting with members and gathering thoughts on improving the student chapter.

My name is Amber Campa and I am the new treasurer for the Texas A&M University Student SEAoT Chapter. I am from Donna, TX in the Rio Grande Valley but completed my undergrad degree at Boston University. I am currently a Master of Engineering student at Texas A&M and am looking forward to working with the professional chapter this upcoming year.

We are eager to start our new spring semester with our first SEAoT Houston Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting on January 22. We are also in the process of planning monthly meetings for our student chapter in which we invite industry professionals to talk about their projects and share their experiences in the structural engineering field. Finally, we plan on scheduling a field trip to an insight project or company head quarter to help prepare our student for industry.

If you are interested in joining one of our meetings or sharing your engineering experience and expertise, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at seaot.tamu.edu for more information regarding our scheduled events or follow us on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/157AoZd.

We are very pleased to be included in the SEAoT Houston Gulf Coast Chapter meeting and look forward to connecting with all the members of this chapter.