Home News SEAoT Travel Scholarship Awarded

SEAoT Travel Scholarship Awarded


Congratulations to Tristian Ybarra, the recipient of this year’s SEAoT Conference Scholarship!

He received a one-time fixed sum of $1250 to fund his attendance expenses during the 2019 SEAoT State Conference in San Antonio.

Tristian is currently a graduate student in the structural engineering program within the Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU).  He joined the structural engineering graduate program in the fall of 2018 after completing his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering at Texas Tech University.  He has maintained a 4.0 GPA while in graduate school, and is actively involved in both the TAMU and Dallas SEAoT Chapters. As a member of the TAMU Student Chapter of SEAoT, he has served as the networking chair and treasurer. He has also been gaining experience in industry over the past two summers as a structural engineering intern, with Halff Associates in 2018 and L.A. Fuess Partners in 2019.  

The SEAoT Conference Scholarship was established to offer students an immersive experience with the structural engineering community by funding attendance to attend the SEAoT State Conference. To qualify, students must be enrolled as either a Senior Student (2019-2020 school year) or Graduate Student at one of the following schools:

  • Texas A&M University, Prairie View
  • Rice University
  • Texas A&M University, College Station
  • The University of Houston

Applicants must pursue a degree relating to a career in Civil/Structural Engineering and maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher.

In addition to attending the conference, the recipient is required to attend the subsequent SEAoT Houston meeting and give a short presentation of their experience at the conference as well as present his/her research to the local chapter (a requirement for graduate students only). Tristian will present his internship experience at the upcoming SEAoT Houston meeting in October 2019.