From all our members of the SEAoT Student Chapter at Texas A&M University, I would like to provide you with an updated newsletter describing our past two months’ activities.
As Tristian, our chapter’s past-president, also informed SEAoT Houston, we have started our work as new officers of the SEAoT at TAMU Student Chapter. The name, position, and contact of each of the new officers are provided below.
President: Mohamad Aghababaei, [email protected]
Vice-President: Kulin Dave, [email protected]
Treasurer: Ehsan Jalilifar, [email protected]
We hosted two meetings after we started our work as new officers. We hosted Simpson Gumpertz & Heger on Feb 13, and Datum on Feb 27, as our bi-weekly meetings. We had a fixed plan for the remainder of the semester to host three more companies, but due to the current situation with COVID-19, we did not have any other choice but cancelling all of the meetings for the remainder of the spring semester. Hopefully, everything goes well and we start our bi-weekly meetings again in the fall semester.
Below you can find a brief summary of the two meetings we hosted in February.
Best Regards,
Mohammad Aghababaei
President, SEAoT at TAMU
Paul Summers presenting their work at SGH TAMU SEAoT newly elected officers with Paul Summers from SGH Brian Dahm from Datum Engineers presenting their work SEAoT officers with Brian Dahm and Tim Stocks from Datum Engineers
February 13 meeting:
For the second meeting of the Spring 2020 Semester, we had the privilege of hosting Paul Summers, S.E. (CA), P.E. (TX, NM), CPEng (AU), F.ASCE, from Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) is a national engineering firm that designs, investigates, and rehabilitates structures, building enclosures, and materials.
Paul Summers, Senior Principal at SGH, discussed blast resistant design with concepts involving full-scale blast testing, blast-resistant design procedures, projectile impact analysis etc. followed by deliberation on unique structural challenges faced and project learning outcomes of some of his flagship projects executed.
February 27 meeting:
For the third meeting of the Spring 2020 Semester, we had the privilege of hosting Brian Dahm, PE, LEED AP, and Tim Stocks, PE, from Datum engineers. Datum Engineers is an engineering firm with a focus on structural and forensic engineering. Datum has 80 years of experience in structural design on a wide variety of building projects. They have offices in Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, and they have conducted projects around the U.S., Europe, and Mexico.
Our speakers presented the Texas A&M University Health Science Center Medical Research & Education Building (MREB) expansion and addition project. It is a recently completed state-of-the-art laboratory that supports evolving research activities for the TAMU-HSC. The new facilities, with a total gross square footage of 175,820, are dedicated to research laboratories, laboratory support, and associated offices.