Home News Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations


SEAoT Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter is designated to select the President-Elect for the state association for next year. Article VI of the bylaws, which can be found at this link, list the following duties for the President-Elect:

Section 2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall preside in the absence or disability of the President, and perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. The President-Elect has the other powers and shall perform the other duties as the President may from time to time delegate to the President-Elect.

From the SEAoT bylaws, https://seaot.org/about/bylaws/

Traditionally the President-Elect serves one year in that role and then the following year serves as President for the state association. Article III describes the process as follows:

Section 3. Officers. Each year a structural engineer member shall be nominated by a designated chapter to be President-Elect of the State Corporation Board on a rotation basis as scheduled by the State Corporation Board. The nominee shall be approved or rejected at the annual meeting of the State Corporation Board. The President–Elect shall automatically become the President during the following annual meeting with the successful approval of a new President-Elect. Upon the successful completion of all annual duties, the President shall automatically become the Past President. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be selected by the State Board from the general membership of the Corporation. The President, President-Elect, and Past President shall each be members in good standing, each from a different Chapter.

From the SEAoT bylaws, https://seaot.org/about/bylaws/

We are currently accepting nominations for this role. Email your nominations to the chapter gmail account, [email protected].