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January Meeting – Life in the Trenches: Lessons Learned in Geotechnical Engineering – Jay Sunderwala


Life in the Trenches: Lessons Learned in Geotechnical Engineering

by Jay Sunderwala


Texas is home to some of the most diverse soil conditions in the world, leading to challenging design considerations for the structural engineer. This presentation will discuss basic soil properties, focusing on the inherent expansive soil conditions most frequently found in the Greater Houston Area. The role of the Geotechnical Engineer in successful project design development will be discussed, incl. foundation design development and construction administration services. The value of geotechnical engineering will be demonstrated via understanding how to read a geotechnical report along with case studies.

Jay Sunderwala, P.E., earned his BS and MS in Civil Engineering from San Jose State University and has over 22 years of experience as a Geotechnical Engineer, including the last 15 years in the greater Houston area. Jay has served as O ce Manager and Principal Engineer of the Ninyo & Moore Houston o ce since 2010. Jay has been on the Board of Directors of ACEC Houston and is involved with the Houston Council of Engineering Companies. Jay currently sits on the Board for the Texas Council of Engineering Laboratories (TCEL). Jay is a licensed professional engineer in Texas, California and Nevada.event2-jan2016

Life in the Trenches:
Lessons Learned in Geotechnical Engineering

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Ninyo & Moore, an ENR Top 500 Design Firm, is a professional geotechnical and environmental sciences consulting rm providing services in geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, soil and materials testing, special inspection, soil and groundwater contamination assessment, site remediation, hazardous building materials, industrial hygiene, and occupational safety.

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