Home Events March Meeting – TBPE Professional Practice Updates and Ethics

March Meeting – TBPE Professional Practice Updates and Ethics

SEAoT Houston + GC

Texas Board of Professional Engineers: Professional Practice Updates and Ethics
By Val Olfers

This presentation is a general update for the practice of engineering in the state of Texas as well as a refresher of ethics related topics. It includes information on recent Board actions, recent or pending rule and legislative changes and any other issues that may affect the profession. Attendance of this presentation (in person or through webinar) meets the annual continuing education requirement for ethics-related training.

Val Olfers is an Investigator IV with the Compliance & Enforcement Department, Texas Board of Professional Engineers. She has over 18 years of experience as an investigator with the State of Texas; eleven of those years are with the Board. As an investigator, she ensures that the TBPE Act and statute are being followed. She receives and reviews complaints fled with the Board regarding any violation of the rules and/or statute. Val served on active duty in the United States Air Force from 1980- 1984.
Val has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management-Human Resources from Park University, Austin, Texas.

THURSDAY MARCH 16, 2017 at HESS (Houston Engineering and Scientific Society), 5430 Westheimer, Houston 77056. Tel: 713 627 2283

6:00 pm – Social
6:30 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Program

Click HERE to register for this event!