Home Student Chapter TAMU September 2014 Report

TAMU September 2014 Report


Another new semester has begun here at Texas A&M University. The fall semester holds many exciting things for Aggies: football, cooler weather, SEAoT meetings, and a lot of new members! There are around 60 new graduate students in the structural engineering program alone. We are kicking off the month of September with the Houston’s Chapter very own Al Bustamante from WJE as our first guest speaker of the semester. Al will be discussing the engineering problems and solutions associated with concrete parking structures. He is presenting three different case studies.

Next, TAMU SEAoT is having a special meeting on Tuesday, September 9th, with Texas A&M Transportation Institute where research opportunities will be discussed. We look forward to wrapping up the month at the Houston/Gulf Coast monthly meeting. Be expecting a lot of students. Happy fall everyone and Gig ‘em Aggies

If you are interested in joining one of our meetings or sharing your engineering experience and expertise, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] You can also visit our website at seaot.tamu.edu for more information regarding our scheduled events.

-Kim Lyons