Home News Community News 2020 NCSEA Survey

2020 NCSEA Survey


The Structural Engineering Engagement and Equity (SE3) Committee of The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) is currently administering its third nationwide survey of structural engineers across the profession. With over 2,400 respondents by the beginning of May, the most commonly asked questions about the 2020 SE3 Survey include:

  • WHO should take this survey;
  • WHY should I take this survey (again);
  • HOW is it going to benefit the profession?

EVERY structural engineer is invited to participate regardless of race, gender, age or job title. The SE3 mission applies to every structural engineer. Initial survey demographics show that 72% of respondents are male and 25% are female; roughly 79% are white Caucasian, 11% are Asian, and 5.5% are Hispanic; and the average age of a respondent is 39.5 years old with a median age of 36.

As a structural engineer you are part of a larger community and this is an opportunity to have your voice heard. Preliminary results of the survey suggest that respondents believe the top two (2) challenges facing the profession are inadequate compensation relative to similar professions and retention of engineers due to stress and burnout.

By participating in every survey cycle, the SE3 committee can track trends, identify areas that need and/or have shown improvement, and facilitate conversations towards change. The committee retains questions regarding demographics, career satisfaction, compensation, and work-life balance as a baseline to the survey. However, new questions are incorporated based on popular demand and current events.

Click Here to join the conversation and participate in the Survey!