Home Student Chapter TAMU October 2015 Meeting – Ashfaq Syed

TAMU October 2015 Meeting – Ashfaq Syed


The Texas A&M University SEAoT Student Chapter had a general meeting on Oct 8th. We had Mr. Larry Rickels and Mr. Tim Stocks from Datum Engineers, San Antonio Office. Larry discussed some design features of San Antonio’s Children Museum and Tim shared his experience working with on a restoration project transforming a Historic San Antonio structure made wood into a modern office facility.

The Student chapter had two members participate in the SEAoT State conference held in Houston. It was a great opportunity to interact with members from different chapters around Texas. The vendor exhibition gave an insight on different solutions available in the industry for wide variety of applications. The technical sessions were very informative and useful. It was a great experience and we will be encouraging more of our student members to participate in the next state conference.


The second general meeting in October was on Oct 29th. Mr. Tan Tran and Mr. Chris Hill from Cardno Haynes Whaley, gave us a presentation on the design and construction of 609 Main in Houston. They shared their experience on the challenges involved in the design of the building and some complex column connections that made the unique shape of the structure possible. Chris also shared his experience working on the design and witnessing the construction in the field.