Home Events September Meeting – Communication Between Geotechnical and Structural Engineer – Lessons Learned

September Meeting – Communication Between Geotechnical and Structural Engineer – Lessons Learned



THURSDAY September 21, 2017 at HESS (Houston Engineering and Scientific Society), 5430 Westheimer, Houston 77056. Tel: 713 627 2283

6:00 pm – Social – Sponsored by SEAoT Houston Chapter
6:30 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Program

Click HERE to register for this event!

Presented by Dr. Shailendra Endley of PSI

The lecture includes several topics; bearing capacity, settlement, pile performance and expansive soils where the limitations and accuracy of recommendations are not properly communicated to the structural engineer. This may lead to both improper design and unpleasant situations. An attempt is made to bring light to these situations and ways they can be avoided.

Dr. Shailendra Endley has over 40 years of experience in the area of geotechnical engineering and currently serving as the Chief Engineer for southwest region. He has completed and managed hundreds of projects involving geotechnical investigation and construction materials testing for governmental, commercial, industrial and manufacturing agencies. Dr. Endley has designed a variety of foundation systems including footings, mats, piles and piers in soil and rock environment. Dr. Endley has managed numerous projects in Texas Gulf Coast area, middle-east, far-east and Africa. Dr. Endley has published over 30 technical papers and is recognized as an expert in the field.