Home News SEAoT Website Changes

SEAoT Website Changes


Since last year, the SEAoT state organization has transitioned its web software to a new system called WildApricot, which manages membership, websites, group emails and events. If you’re a current member, you probably used WildApricot for your most recent renewal!

During the rollout of WildApricot, which also coincided with various SEAoT leadership transitions, we’ve used JotForm for meeting registrations. Over time, our chapter meeting registration will likely move (back) over to SEAoT.org, using the WildApricot event system.

You may also begin to notice more emails from Structural Engineers Association of Texas, using the address [email protected].
We do still utilize a chapter email account with the address [email protected], where we always welcome comments or questions.

For several months, our main email list has been from last year’s exported database. Soon we will be generating emails using the current SEAoT database, which is now in WildApricot. To make sure you don’t miss any emails, please log in at https://seaot.wildapricot.org/ (or go to seaot.org and click membership, then click login) and verify your contact information and mailing list preferences. It’s also a good idea to add both [email protected] and [email protected] to your safe senders whitelist so our emails don’t get deleted or moved by your junk mail filter.