Home Student Chapter SEAoT-TAMU Updates – September 2022 – Jay Parmar

SEAoT-TAMU Updates – September 2022 – Jay Parmar


September 2nd, 2022 | Open House | SEAoT TAMU

On September 2nd, the undergraduate section of the civil engineering department organized an open house where all the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and masters (students) had a chance to interact with various organization we had in department. Many the student showed interest in SEAoT by asking various questions like what do we do through the semester? What events do we organize? What are the benefits of the member? Overall, it was total blast and great start to the Fall semester.

September 6th, 2022 | LA Fuess Partners | SEAoT TAMU 1st General Meeting

For the first meeting of the Fall Semester, we had the privilege of hosting Omae Alonso EIT and Aaron Miller PE from LAFP. First of all, they introduced themself briefly and their role at LAFP. After that they briefly discussed various services provided by the company in building design sector. 

Aaron discussed Mc+L in Dallas, Texas, a mixed-use development with a 25-story residential tower, 4 levels of below grade parking, 110,000 S.F. of grocery store, 69,000 S.F. of office space, and a structured loading dock supporting truck traffic. He also went on some of design challenges involved in wind load design, creep, shrinkage, designing discontinuous shear wall. Omar discussed Eagle Mountain High School in Saginaw, Texas, a 500,000 S.F. High School complex and 7,500 Seat Stadium with accompanying Field House and 2,800 occupant Storm Shelter.  Lastly, we had pretty good question on presentation form attendees on sustainable strategy of LAFP, construction joint, creep and post tensioning interaction, lateral load resisting system, foundation design for over 15 minutes.

September 13th, 2022 | Game Night | SEAoT TAMU

On the September 13th, SEAoT TAMU chapter organized a game night for new incoming students and past student members to introduce themself and its mission. The event was held in collaboration with the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI). Around 30 students attended the event, and it was a very informative and fun night.

September 20th, 2022 | Garver | SEAoT TAMU 2nd General Meeting

For second general meeting we hosted Denial Gran from Garver. He has over 27 years of experience as a structural engineer. His specialties include project management, earthquake design, FEA, vibration control, retrofit and repair. Garver provides the service in transportation, aviation, water and building. Denial gave presentation on design of environmental structures and design of water infrastructures. Water infrastructures project involves the collaboration between mechanical, electrical, process and structural engineers to deliver the successful project. He also talked about the design of the storage tanks and pump station. Water projects require the knowledge of the various materials such as concrete, steel, stainless steel, fiber reinforced concrete and masonry. After he discussed special code ACI 350 needs to be consideration specially for the water leakage, reinforcement detailing, crack prevention to make these structures safe and work efficiently. Lastly, we had interesting Q&A session as final part of meeting.

Jay Parmar – President SEAoT TAMU Student Chapter – [email protected]