2024 officers
President – Isabel Mlô
Isabel Mlô received her B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from Texas A&M University and is currently in her fourth year of pursuing a Ph.D. in structural engineering. Her research work includes an array of non-destructive evaluation techniques for structural health monitoring under the direction of Dr. Stefan Hurlebaus. Isabel’s other research interests include historic building preservation, smart structures, and advanced continuum mechanics. Her hobbies include hiking, working out, playing with her dog, and caring for house plants.

Vice President – Shriya Mehendale
Shriya Mehendale completed her undergraduate degree in India and is now a first-year civil engineering master’s student at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include buildings, bridges, non-destructive testing, forensics, and structural health monitoring. In her free time, Shriya enjoys hiking,
journaling, and baking.

Treasurer – Mikhail Lanier
Mikhail is a returning SEAoT-TAMU officer from last year. He received his B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from Texas A&M University and is currently in his fourth year of pursuing a Ph.D. in structural engineering. Similarly to Isabel, he conducts research focused on the development of non-destructive evaluation techniques for health assessment of built structures under the direction of Dr. Stefan Hurlebaus. His further interests are in the study of advanced continuum mechanics, structural health monitoring, corrosion, and structural stability. His hobbies include cooking, reading, and playing bassoon with the Texas A&M Symphonic Winds.

General Officer – Gouri Praveen Nair
Gouri is a first-year civil engineering master’s student at Texas A&M. She has industry experience working for Hochtief India and GITPAC, and is passionate about designing safe, sustainable structures that positively impact communities. Her research interests include structural health monitoring and accelerated bridge construction. In her free time, Gouri enjoys dancing, painting, acting, and theater.
SEaOT-TAMU Meetings
As a brief general update, SEAoT-TAMU meetings in the Spring 2024 semester will take place on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. A full schedule has not yet been finalized.