Home President's Corner President’s Corner – September 2019 – Dan Barbuto

President’s Corner – September 2019 – Dan Barbuto


Hello All,

It’s hard to believe we are already back from the summer break. I hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed some time with family and friends. We have had a great year so far and have some fun events planned out for the rest of the year.

First, we will continue our monthly lunch meetings at Maggiano’s. Please note that the location has changed to the Memorial City Mall location for this month only. We have had positive feedback from the lunch meetings. I hope you are enjoying the new time and venue.

We also have our 1st Annual SEAoT Houston Top Golf event coming up on November 7 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Hopefully you will participate and bring a guest. It will be a good way to socialize and engage with each other. Be on the lookout for an email with more details.

Finally, we are wanting to plan some happy hour / social events so be on the lookout for those as well.

As always, our SEAoT chapter is for you. If you have any recommendations regarding presenters, events, or other areas that you would like to see the group be involved please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing everyone out at the September meeting. Please join the meeting and bring a friend.