Home News President’s Corner – March 2019 – Dan Barbuto

President’s Corner – March 2019 – Dan Barbuto


Hello Everyone,

We have had a great start to the year so far, and I am encouraged for a great 2019. We have had several new board members and volunteers who have already made a difference and improvements to our SEAoT chapter such as the new email, newsletter, and webpage format. Thank you to everyone who has helped.

One of our 2019 goals is to better serve you and make sure that you are getting the most out of our SEAoT chapter. Part of this effort is our recent survey that was sent out via email. The survey is short and takes only a few minutes to fill out. If you have not already done so, please take the time and fill out the survey. The survey responses will help guide our future speaker presentations, meeting location, meeting time, among other decisions. We want to improve our SEAoT chapter and help make it what you want it to be. Thank you in advance for filling out the survey.

As the year continues, if you have recommendations for presenters, events, or other ideas that you would like to see SEAoT participate in, please feel free to reach out to one of the board members. We look forward to seeing you at our next chapter meeting.

Dan Barbuto, PE