Greetings Fellow Structural Engineers,
This is the last time that I write to you as the President of the Chapter. It is appropriate that tis the giving thanks season as well.
As such, I would like to thank all of you who have regularly attended the Chapter’s monthly meetings. It was a pleasure for me to be able to visit with you each time. I would like to thank our President-Elect, Mr. Rick Wells, for his diligent in selecting and inviting our speakers for this year. I know that it is a tough job and he has done it well. I would like to thank our Secretary, Mr. Chris Hill, for his witty and straight forward recording of most of the meetings for this year. Well done! I would like to thank our Chapter’s Treasurer, Mr. Jonathan Warshaw, for keeping the Chapter’s financial house in order. His very busy schedule did not keep him from coming to the meetings to take care of our meals and registrations. Granted, he had help sometimes from his young boy. Thank you, Ms. Jennifer Ju and Ms. Stacy Chu, for taking care of our newsletters and website and for diligently keeping the board on track in submitting articles on time. It is a hard job too and you have done it well and always with a smile in your reminder emails. Thank you, Ms. Natasha Boger, the TX A&M University Student Chapter president, for your commitment to our chapter and good works that you are doing with the Student chapter in College station. And last but not least, a big thank you to Ms. Greenberg, SEAoT Executive Director, in communication with the members and in keeping me in line and out of trouble quite a few times in spite of her extremely busy schedule.
It is evident to those who have being attending the Chapters monthly meetings that the group has been getting smaller this year. And it is a regret of mine that, as the Chapter President, I have not been able to make improvement on the Chapter’s meeting attendance. We are all very busy with our lives, personal and otherwise. There is a demand on our precious resource of time at every turn. So I understand that we’d want to spend it most effectively on what we deem more important. However, I think that a few hours each month spent to interact with fellow engineers, to learn something new and to build a professional relationship may be important enough for your consideration.
Thank you all for allowing me to serve you in the last three years.
See you at our monthly meetings.
Tan Tran