Home Events October 2024 Meeting – Advanced Finite Element Analysis Tools for design of...

October 2024 Meeting – Advanced Finite Element Analysis Tools for design of components in Upstream Oil & Gas Industry (1.0 PDH)


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2024 at Maggiano’s Little Italy, Memorial City Mall, 602 Memorial City Mall, Houston TX 77024, Tel: (713) 461-0692

11:30 am – Social
11:45 am – Lunch
12:00 pm – Program

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2. Click here to make payment!

  • Members $30
  • Non-Members $35
  • Students $5


In this presentation an overview of some of the advanced finite element analysis tools available for solving complex engineering problem and case studies related to impact loading due to dropped object on subsea pipeline and fatigue analysis of threaded connectors in upstream oil and gas industry will be presented.


Sathish Kumar Ramamoorthy, Ph.D., P.E.


Sathish is a Principal at Stress Engineering Services, Inc. with special interests in seismic analysis, structural engineering problems and finite element analysis. He has experience in the upstream and downstream industries doing strength analyses including fitness-for-service assessments, retrofit design of existing structures to meet the applicable codes due to changes in the loads or damage to the existing structure, and structural fire damage assessments. Sathish is a registered professional engineer in several states.

Educational background: B.E (Civil Engineering) University of Madras, M.E. (Structural Engineering) Indian Institute of Science; M.S. (Engineering Mechanics), University of Nebraska, and Ph.D. (Structural Engineering) Texas A&M University