Home Events November 2019 Meeting – Onshore Modularization in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries

November 2019 Meeting – Onshore Modularization in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2019 at Maggiano’s Little Italy, Memorial City Mall, 602 Memorial City Mall, Houston, TX 77024, Tel: (713) 461-0692

11:30 am – Social
11:45 am – Lunch
12:00 pm – Program

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Dr. Silky Wong of Dow will present “Onshore Modularization in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries” (1.0 PDH) at our November meeting.


In response to the reduced labor availability and other changes in the construction industry, onshore modularization of facilities has become popular for capital projects in the refining and petrochemical industries in order to reduce project costs and thus making projects viable. Whether to modularize an onshore facility in the refining and petrochemical industries depends on various factors, such as schedule, local labor conditions, environmental conditions, equipment complexity, constructability, and local permit and environmental regulations, etc. The purpose of the presentation is to arm engineers with an understanding of engineering, procurement, fabrication, and construction project phases in refining, petrochemical, and other industrial facilities. Dr. Wong will also provide insights into important onshore modularization design considerations from past project examples. Through learning from project examples, the audience will be better equipped to make decisions on the type and the level of modularization to deliver safer and more profitable projects that meet quality and schedule requirements.

BIO: Dr. Silky Wong is a lead Civil and Structural Engineer with Dow. She is a licensed Structural Engineer with more than 13 years of experience in both Oil & Gas and petrochemical industries. She is an active voting member of the following ASCE Committees: Energy Division Executive Committee, ASCE 7 Wind Loads & ASCE 37 committees, Modularization for Onshore Heavy Industrial Applications, and Petrochemical Wind Loads. Silky has presented at the ASCE Structures Congress on topics related to Nonbuilding and Special Structures since 2011.