Home Events May 2018 Meeting – An Overview of Membrane Structures

May 2018 Meeting – An Overview of Membrane Structures


THURSDAY MAY 17, 2018 at HESS (Houston Engineering and Scientific Society), 5430 Westheimer, Houston 77056. Tel: 713 627 2283

6:00 pm – Social – Sponsored by:

6:30 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Program

Click HERE to register for this event!

An Overview of Membrane Structures, by Marco Cano, PE

This presentation will provide an overview of the analysis, design and fabrication of membrane structures.  We will discuss formfinding to generate the geometry of a membrane structure.  We will also talk about analysis considerations such as loading, controlling load cases during and after construction, failure modes and assumptions.  Next we will discuss  design considerations including some assumptions as well as fabrication of a membrane structure, patterning, welding and some standard connections.  This presentation is geared towards a structural engineer that wants to have an introduction to Membrane Structures.

Marco Cano, PE holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Monterrey Tec in Mexico, a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Master of Engineering in Membrane Structures from the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Germany.  He is licensed in 7 states, in Mexico and Germany, and has over 12 years of experience.  He is the founder and CEO of Fractal Structural Engineering.  In his time off Marco enjoys woodworking, photography and the acoustic guitar.