Home President's Corner President’s Corner – January 2016 – Tan Tran

President’s Corner – January 2016 – Tan Tran


Greetings to Our Fellow Structural Engineers!
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2016.
Let me re-introduce myself, I am Tan Tran, PE, with Cardno Haynes Whaley, part of a global, comprehensive professional services provider. This year, I am honored to serve as President for the Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter.

The other members of the Board this year are:

Vice President:
Rick Miles, PE, Walter P. Moore

Secretary (to be con rmed):
Chris Hill, PE, Cardno Haynes Whaley

Jonathan Warshaw, PE,

Past President:
Mr. Alfredo Bustamante, PE, CDT, Walker Restoration Consultants,

Chapter Director 2015-2016:
Mr. Steve Wilkerson, PE, Athos Consulting Engineers.

State Director 2015-2016: Mr. Bob Lanser, PE

As specialty trade contractors, established in 1977, we repair, protect and strengthen existing concrete structures in commercial, industrial and marine environments.

As many of you probably are, I am often surprised by how fast the time has gone, and at the same time, I wonder why it moves so slowly. This is one of those “how-fast” moments, year 2015 has passed by with blinding speed. And here we are, at a new year once again.

New Year brings new hope, new opportunity, and new potentials. It also leads to re ections, and contempla- tions. I look back at my past involvement with the chap- ters with joy each time I saw an old colleague whom I had not seen for a while. I look back seeing my wonder and admiration for each meeting presentation about a great engineering feat.

I hope that, this year, I will help you, my fellow engineers, experience the same delight. We will making our meetings opportunities for you to reconnect and make new friends, to learn of new trends or information in our profession.

I encourage you to help me by helping yourself and getting involved with our Chapter, by coming to our meetings to connect or re-connect. I look forward to your comments and suggestions to making our meetings even more interesting and bene cial to you.

Happy New Year and Best Wishes! See you at our monthly meetings!