Home President's Corner President’s Corner – September 2024 – Jennifer Martin-Logan

President’s Corner – September 2024 – Jennifer Martin-Logan


According to Merriam-Webster, estivation means passing the summer in a state of torpor or dormancy. Prior to SEAoT Houston estivating through July and August, at our June meeting, Siobhán Sawyer and Trey Triplett of DeWalt presented “Concrete Sensors: Their practical uses to Monitor Temperature and Track Maturity”. They discussed two main applications, temperature monitoring of mass concrete and strength tracking of concrete curing, with recent project examples of each.

Now we are emerging from dormancy and have 2 events lined up for September.

Our September 19 meeting features Keith Bohren of Simpson Strong-Tie, presenting the topic “New Provisions for Qualification and Design of Post-Installed Anchors (Adhesive and Mechanical) into Cracked and Uncracked Masonry”. Keith will review the change from the allowable stress design approach to the new criteria which incorporate ultimate strength design. He’ll also cover design tools to use with the new provisions. Please register on the event page at https://members.seaot.org/event-5558818, pay via the payment page at https://members.seaot.org/Houston-Payment-Page and join us at Maggiano’s to experience Keith’s presentation.

The following week, we will have a SEAoT Houston Happy Hour at Kirby Ice House (Memorial City), 5:30-7:30 September 26.

Looking beyond, we have regular chapter meetings October 17 and November 21. Then we close out our SEAoT activities for the year with a joint social event with ACI Houston, December 5, at Karbach Brewing. Registration for that is with ACI Houston, at https://acihoustonchapter.org/meetinginfo.php?id=978.

Finally, our 2024 scholarship application form can be downloaded from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j5SJJqrO8dZo5M1dqxH14B3_xnyoFpVZ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115783251263860825264&rtpof=true&sd=true

If you know any structural or civil/structural graduate students, or undergrads in their senior year, at Prairie View A&M, Rice, Texas A&M, or University of Houston, please pass along this information and encourage them to apply.

Until next time,

Jennifer Martin-Logan, PE
SEAoT Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter