Home Student Chapter SEAoT-TAMU Updates – June 2021 – Mohammad Aghajani-Delavar

SEAoT-TAMU Updates – June 2021 – Mohammad Aghajani-Delavar


In May, the TAMU student chapter of SEAoT established the SEAoT Marketplace under the umbrella of Texas A&M University with different purposes such as:

  • Membership Dues
  • Donations
  • Reselling SEAoT Products

SEAoT Mugs and new SEAoT Polos are presented recently, photos of which are attached. They are available on the SEAoT Marketplace as resale products. Now, you can simply be a member of TAMU student chapter of SEAoT, contribute financially and donate, and buy SEAoT products on the SEAoT Marketplace at this link.

Best Regards,
Mohammad Aghajani