Home Events Community Events Northwest Concrete Masonry Association (NWCMA) Announces Structural Masonry Design Webinar Series

Northwest Concrete Masonry Association (NWCMA) Announces Structural Masonry Design Webinar Series


The Northwest Concrete Masonry Association is sponsoring a newly updated three-part webinar series on reinforced masonry design. It will focus on the requirements of the 2018 IBC Chapter 21 and the referenced material standard TMS 402/602 codes. Both working stress and strength design of reinforced concrete masonry will be covered.

Learn how to use and interpret the building code through masonry building element design examples. Participants can earn continuing education credit. The webinar dates are November 19, December 3, and December 10.

This is a practical design webinar for practicing engineers.

Click here for PDF flyer

Register at www.nwcma.org/seminar. Questions? Please call 425.697.5298.