Home Events WoodWorks Workshop: Exposed Connections in Timber Trusses and Structures: Designing for Beauty...

WoodWorks Workshop: Exposed Connections in Timber Trusses and Structures: Designing for Beauty and Function


Exposed Connections in Timber Trusses and Structures: Designing for Beauty and Function presented by:

R.L. “Ben” Brungraber, PhD, PE, Fire Tower Engineered Timber and llana Danzig, PEng, PE, MEng, Equilibrium Consulting

In timber designs where the structure is an integral part of the architecture, detailing for trusses and member intersections can be challenging. This workshop for architects and engineers will focus on heavy timber trusses, glulam post and beam and mass timber component connections. Timber truss topics include an overview of truss configurations, guidance on their applications and important design considerations. An introduction to modern timber connections will review guiding principles, custom and prefabricated hardware, codes, and design considerations using project examples. Among topics included are methods for achieving fire resistance, design simplicity and construction efficiency.


Attendees will qualify for 3 AIA/CES HSW LUs, 3 PDH credits or 0.3 ICC credits.


February 7, 2018

Del Frisco’s Double Eagle

5061 Westheimer Rd

Houston, TX

Register Here


Cost: $30 includes lunch

8:30 am – 12:45 pm

For questions, contact Mary Schramka


Hosted by WoodWorks – Wood Products Council